TIME was originated from a gypsum form into resin. By composing different types of colors, a very playful and inviting, almost candy-colored, piece was created, which calls for a following touch in the interaction with the viewer. TIME surprises and attracts with its soft surface and deep reflections of light and shadow, truly unique in every possible way, adorning your space with a clear appreciation of style, artistry, and innovation. For designer Birgitte due Madsen, high quality is a central value to beauty and skilled works. Time is designed to affect you physically and encourage the viewer to respond to its gesture with your body, establishing an almost sensual play with the laws of attraction. The intention here is that if you touch the object, you encounter a more sensible and sophisticated understanding of the craftsmanship behind the piece, as well as the beauty of the surface.
- Table top accessory
- Entire piece in resin
- 18.9"l 15.0"w 2.4"d
- Multiple color options available
- Made in Denmark by Birgitte Due Madsen