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firefly table lamp lantern alexander ahnebrink depadova suite ny

THIS JUST IN: 9.21.16

Representing 30+ unique furniture brands, we are constantly receiving new products. Each and every one of our manufacturers work with an incredible repertoire of never-before released designs from iconic mid-century designers and innovative pieces from 21st century talent. This week we present five brand new products from renowned designers Bjarke Ingels, KiBiSi, Alexander Ahnebrink, Bjarke Ingels, KiBiSi, Alexander Ahnebrink, []

Marsala, color of the year, pantone color of the year, color of the year 2015, marsala 2015, pantone marsala, mimic, mimic sofa, mimic modular sofa, monica forster, de padova, tongue chair, arne jacobsen, howe, iconic chairs, ronde pendant lamp, ronde, oliver schick, gubi, danish design, lighting design, chesto, chesto armchair, patrick nourguet, de padova, zoe, zoe lounge chair, lievore lather molina, verzelloni, Italian lounge furniture, birdie, birdie table lamp, ludovica + roberto palomba, ludovica and roberto palomba, vik, vik easy chair, arian brekveld, suiteny,, suite ny, suite new york, marsala inspired furniture, marsala furniture, marsala home decor, marsala interiors, spectrum, foscarini, birdie table lamp


Each year, the color experts at Pantone carefully select the hue that will ultimately define and dictate the direction for the upcoming year’s trends. For 2015, designers will take their color cue from the earthy and robust marsala. Inspired by its namesake wine, the delicious shade of red is subtly dramatic with an air of sophistication. Toasting cheers to the...

bouquet of sharpened pencils


September is here and it's back to reality. This week, in a bid to get jazzed up about returning to the city, the office and the classroom, SUITE NY featured our top 10 songs and top 12 movies inspired by New York City. We prefer not to look...