Windsor chairs, with their archetypal vertical spindles, first emerged sometime during the 16th century. The American Windsor that we commonly see today is said to have been introduced in the 1730s. These classic chairs gave rise to a host of designs inspired by their prominent, vertical rail backs. From Mel Smilow’s designs in the 1950s to the contemporary Fly Series by Space Copenhagen, there is no question that spindle and rail backs are a timeless structural motif.

Rail Backs fly sofa space copenhagen Andtradition &TRADITION suite nyRail Back fly sofa space copenhagen upholstered oak Andtradition suite nychina chair fritz hansen hans j wegner back colored ash suite ny rail backsrail back lounge smilow design mel smilow solid walnut suite nyspindle stool craig bassam scott fellows bassamfellows suite nyrail back sofa walnut smilow design mel smilow suite nyfly lounge chair space copenhagen Andtradition suite ny

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