In 2014, Dutch manufacturer Spectrum merged with Rietveld Originals, a company launched 10 years ago by the grandsons of famed mid-century architect and designer Gerrit Rietveld. Through Spectrum, three Rietveld pieces are now available to the international market: the iconic Berlin chair, the newly relaunched Steltman chair, and the never-produced Press Room chair from Rietveld’s private archive. SUITE NY is thrilled to offer these unique pieces by a design legend whose definition of form through construction highly influenced design and architecture of the 20th century.

Gerrit Rietveld, SUITE NY, De Stijl, midcentury modern, geometric design, modern designGerrit Rietveld, Berlin Chair, Suite NY, Spectrum, modern design, geometric Design, The NetherlandsGerrit Rietveld, Steltman Chair, Rietveld Steltman, Rietveld Originals, modern chair, geometric furniture, SUITE NY Spectrum Design, The NetherlandsGerrit Rietveld, Press Room Chair, Suite NY, Spectrum Design, The Netherlands, Rietveld UNESCO, UNESCO Designs, modern designer, midcentury modern

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